Culture Change

Do something that makes a lasting impression on someone even if its for a moment.
My passion for teaching, partnered with the mantra: Be creative, Be positive, Be Fun
made for some unforgettable experiences.


pictured above: Two Leaders get into the spirit. Get to Strong was a complex initiative that I helped make fun, digestible and the talk of the business.


Design Thinking Lego Challenges

We needed a way to teach Design Thinking so that it won over developers and made a lasting impression.


The Lab (GE Capital)

The organization needed to be inspired with innovation — we donned
lab coats and concocted a laboratory.


High School College Talks

The creator of the Nickelodeon show Doug helped me make a decision about college.
I’ve paid it forward by talking to high school students about their future.


Pitney Bowes Leadership Summits

Pitney Bowes needed something to get its Leadership thinking differently.
We created booths to make them do just that.


Video Sample

Sometimes complex topics need fun videos to further simplify and make a lasting impression.


Presentation Samples

Seeing the lightbulb go off or the excitement in understanding something
makes coaching and mentoring one of my favorite things to do.